Although I may not have accomplished anything craft wise this weekend I did get one home improvement project out of my way. . . painting the laundry room!!! This has been on my list since I discovered that you could paint veneer paneling and actually have it look nice. Who would have thought. Originally, I had long-term plans to tear it down (but something else always takes priority) but then a very wise friend suggested that I paint it.
Well this weekend was my opportunity. . .Brooke was camping with my husband as a special Papa/Daughter camping trip . . and Barley too. . . so Friday night I ran 3 miles and then came back and cleaned everything out into the living room. About 11 pm I hit the pillow but was up at 5 am Saturday morning to start painting. . . .well I finished the cut in "color" at 1 am Sunday morning (ya pretty much ALL day) . . .slept until 7 am and then got up to roll color on. But I had everything dry and back in place by 1pm Sunday afternoon.
Needless to say. . there was no long run for me this weekend and I took a nap (and I never nap). But the result was so worth it. I am happy!
Three coats of primer . . . two coats of primer/paint and. . . .
Ta Da!
I really like it! I like the texture on the wall and the savings in my bank!
Now all I need is new curtains and blinds and its done. Just a nice refresh.
I also did the same thing for my craft room in blue.
Now if I can just get my husband to put up the new blinds and this beautiful picture of Brooke on the wall I will be ready to take on my list of back logged projects!
Have to see my inspiration on the wall as I walk into the room :)