Knitting News:
Jasmine. . . . the back is complete !!!!! Finally . . . .that is a lot of stockinette stitch. .
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. . .ya I am awake. . I was going crazy just to get to the gosh darn garter stitch. . .at some point I may need to go back to the
kauni or start something else. . .throw me a cable here?

Scrapping News:
It has been a while but I actually got to scrapbook this weekend at
Jeanean's house with my good friend Rita-
roo. . .we have been planning for months to get together but out schedules are all over the place. I can't wait to hang out in your new craft room Rita-
roo! :) Some day I will have mine too and maybe we can do a "host one Saturday a month" and flip-flop.
I am also glad that I now have a color to work with. . . I am digging through patterns and trying to decide what to knit . . .but I have til November. . I got time. Baby sweaters are quick:)

Spinning News:
Finished the peacock roving this weekend and then got to start on local wool. This is wool from a local Poultney sheep that was given to me as fleece. I took it to Rhinebeck this fall for processing and have tons in my stash. I have several rovings in white, gray, and brown. The plan is to spin thin and ply . . . .I think I will experiment with two colors together.