Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chemise on. . .ignore the sunburn. . .

Finally got Christine to take photos of me in the drawstring chemise. . which would probably look better on me (now that I see the photos) if it was a little more fitted . .but it is so comfortable just the way it is. I made a medium to be on the safe side with the yarn because my torso is so long . . . but it is much wider than my waist line. Oh well, I don't like my shirts tight anyway.

Ignore the sunburn marks. . .god what an idot. . went out on the 4th and forgot my sunblock. . a duh! So bad. . . .luckily I wasn't out very long . . . only for an hour or two or else I would have been a lobster!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow... it looks great!! You knit it fast, too. I think I will add it to my "someday" list. :)

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